Friday, 24 October 2008
Camping at Port Arthur
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Fuzz's Big Night Out !!
Saturday, 18 October 2008
It's been go, go, go this weekend !!

As Chels has only ever played netball at a competitive level, she showed loads of talent on the basketball court. Her teamwork, skill level and determination was of a high standard and she should be very proud of the way she played over the weekend.
The girls won only 2 of their 4 matches which placed them 3rd on the ladder in their pool which unfortunately didn't enable them to progress through to play on Sunday in the finals.
Kingston Netball Association (KNA) is hosting their annual carnival this weekend at the Kingston Sports Centre. As our girls were unable to commit to both the Devon Carnival in September and the Kingston Carnival due to CANA commitments, both Chels and Claire are not playing netball this weekend.
However, Claire is busy umpiring at the Kingston Carnival and is the U/14 STNA umpire. She presided over 4 games today and will do at least 4 games again tomorrow (Sunday) along with any finals games she may be selected to umpire - Well done Fuzz!!
PS: have you noticed that you can "follow" our blog?? Just click on the "follow this blog" gadget at the top right side of this blog page -- ENJOY !!
Thursday, 16 October 2008
"Safety tips for Netballers"
- Learn correct passing, catching and landing techniques.
Good Preparation is Important!!
- Undertake training prior to competition to ensure readiness to play
- Always warm up, stretch and cool down. A recent netball study found that not warming up before a game increases the risk of injury by 48%.
- Undergo fitness programs to develop aerobic fitness, strength, balance, co-ordination and flexibility.
The Y-Nots are continuing with their losing streak. However, tonight we didn't just lose, we were flogged........41-17!!!
We copped a couple of injuries tonight too. Lisa Boxall took a knock to the jaw by one of the opposition men, and then not long after the ball hit her face in the same place - OUCH!!
Then in the final quarter, Ian tried to pull up (he was playing in centre) before going off side by entering the goal circle and tore his calf muscle (at least that's what he thinks he's done).
After calling time and limping to the side of the court, he applied ice and sat out the rest of the game. We all left the Aurora Stadium feeling rather deflated, and Ian requested that we call into the Chemist on the way home to see if we could hire some crutches!!
Guess what - all their crutches were out on hire - so he's out of luck. He hobbled up the stairs when we got home and dropped on the lounge, calling out for The Medical Book !! Fuzz also found her notes and handouts on sports injuries for him to read up on.
The Medical information states that if his injury is serious (he says it's really bad) then it will take around 21 days before he can play sport again!!!
Darren & Bec Boxall teamed really well in Defence in the first three quarters and Bec continued to perform well in GA in the final quarter.
Fuzz shot very well in the first half and also tried hard in the WA position later in the game. Melissah Collins took a few good intercepts in the WD position tonight as well. Phil Stoneman played in the WA and Centre positions and made way for Fuzz to take Ian's position when he had to leave the court due to injury.
With improved passing and slowing our game down, I'm sure we can get a win next time !!
We now have a rest next week due to Show Day, so hopefully we'll be back the following week fit and raring to go !!!
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Sunday 12 October - Our First Day Back Home from Townsville
The skies have been almost cloud free and the sun shining brightly ALL day!! Just what we've been used to in the great city of Townsville. However, the weather forecasts tell us it's not going to be like this for much longer - It's supposed to be only 16 degrees tomorrow (Monday) with mountain snow in the evening - GREAT !!
We drove down to Big W this morning to print out some of our holiday photos and then we drove out to Angela and Matthew Gasparin's to give them some $$ that Angela kindly took to Ogilvie High School so that Fuzz can go to the Leaver's Dinner next week and to also give Kalinda some photos that I took of her when we went to Magnetic Island on their Rest Day (1 October).
The boys drove down to Claremont Village and got some meat and salads for a BBQ lunch while Lisa and I finished off a bottle of Brown Brothers - Cienna (Yum). Lisa and the girls checked out the photos I printed and then I showed Lis the rest of our pics on my laptop - Yep, I took it with me!!
We started playing Euka late in the afternoon (actually it was almost tea time) and we ordered Pizzas for tea (Lisa and I drove down to Poppa Ducks to pick them up at 8.00pm). Lisa (Boxall) and Ian played the best Euka they've ever played to beat Darren and I 3 gaves to nil tonight. There were high 5's and "woohoo's" like we've never seen from them before and as you can see from the photo I've posted, they even managed a Euka or two !!
Darren and Ian finished off the night with a blast of Black Betty on Sing Star. Ian was leading on points the whole song then Darren came up right at the end and beat him!!! I've recorded a video of the last verse of the song (the video clip I've posted tells the whole story!!)
It's good to be home when you can spend time with great friends.
Lisa xx
Friday, 10 October 2008
Friday 10 October - Today is our last day in Townsville!!
We had breakfast down at the strand this morning - pancakes with Maple Syrup and cream, pancakes with caramel sauce and gelato and grilled croissant with ham and cheese along with milkshakes and a fanta spider.
Then after a stroll along the strand - AGAIN, we made our way to the Flinders Street Mall for a spot of last minute shopping and souvenior hunting.
We headed back to the apartment changed into our swimmers and headed over to the Rydges main Hotel for a dip in the pool. Both the girls whipped their gear off when we got there and jumped right in. Ian and I watched from the side today.
When we got back to our apartment, Ian and Chels got changed and headed to the Museum. I've stayed here in the apartment (much to Ian's disgust) to get a bit of R&R before our full on day tomorrow hopping on and off aeroplanes!! (Fuzz is asleep on her bed at the moment).
We've had an absolute awesome time here in Sunny Townsville and we'll be sad to leave here in the morning, however it will be great to catch up with our friends when we get back home.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Thursday 9 October - Rock Pool Closed for Maintenance - so we went to the Aquarium today!!
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Wednesday 8 October - We drove to Ayr and saw the Sugar Canes!!
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Tuesday 7 October 2008 - We went out to the Reef today!!
We went to out to the Reef today on the SunSea Cruises Boat. The weather was absolutely fantastic and there was no wind at all, so the sea was dead flat calm (thank God).