Claire will be playing with Cripps Waratah in 2009 !!!
The TNL U/19 & Seniors selections for Cripps Waratah Netball Club were held on Monday 3rd & 10th November 2008 at Aurora Sports Stadium. Fuzz attended both selection sessions and "showed her stuff" during the matchplay.
She received notification on Friday 14th November that she was selected as a member of the U/19 team - and she is very excited. Bec Boxall was also selected and both the girls are looking forward to once again playing together.
Chels, Nikki and Laura will participate in their selections on Sunday 7th and 14th December for the U/13 & U/15 divisions.
Whilst I'm on the subject of Netball, please note that our "Y-Nots" team had a bye on Thursday night (13 November) and there are just 2 games left for us (as we wont make the finals).
I've attached a photo of Claire (Fuzz) in her Southern Tasmania Regional Academy uniform (cant wait to post a picture of her in a Cripps Waratah uniform!!)