After the girls game today - Angela & Matthew Gasparin, Ian and I travelled to Ross River to try a bit of Barramundi Fishing (Fish Farm).
It was sooooo hot driving out there (only 'bout 20 mins in the car). It cost us $22 for an hour and they give us rods and bait (type of prawn). As its school holidays here in Queensland there were lots of kids there trying their hand at fishing.
There were 5 fishing holes to choose from, so we headed for the furthest one away as there wasnt anyone at that hole. We baited up..........
It wasnt long (only matter of minutes) before Angela landed the first fish (she was so excited!!)
Ian, Matthew and I soon followed and the action never stopped from then on - What an hour of fun we had - it was GREAT !!
The final count was:
Angela 7
Ian 6
Lisa 6
Matthew 4 (although it should be noted that poor Matthew lost a hook in a fish's gut and had to go back to the operators to get a new hook - so he wasnt fishing as long as the rest of us)
We had the best day - and Ian and I will probably take Claire and Chels back there next week
Great to see the women out fished the guys - even if Matt lost his hook . LOL. Are you sure Ian wants to go back there to be beaten by the girls again !!! Looks like a great spot- Great photo of you Lisa !!!!
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