Sunday, 23 November 2008

Anyone want to play ABBA Singstar??

We had a great day today with Lisa, Darren, Laura & Nikki having many challenges on the ABBA Singstar!!
Carmel, Heath & Sharna arrived and all the kids were able to verse each other at Buzz Mega Quiz - they had great fun with that (Sharna was the winner).
I've attached some photos of the "budding" idol contestants for 2009 for you to have a look at !!!!


Carol T said...

Wow That looked like fun.Wish i had been there.Just knew i should have stayed up after the dance concert Luv CarolT

lisafromtassie said...

I would appreciate it if you would STOP photo shopping all my photos before adding them- Everybody knows I'm a size 8 super model- how do you make me look that bad ???? LOL.

Thanks for the great day York family :)