Thursday, 25 December 2008

Christmas Day is here - FINALLY !!!

Wow - How exciting !!!
Christmas Day has arrived. Our girls (Chels, Fuzz & Ash) were all up very early and begging Ian to don the Santa gear and start handing out the pressies from under our tree.
We all received some Fantastic Gifts and we then tucked into our warm crossaints and ham followed by plenty of cherries for brekkie - YUMMMMM!!!
We prepared for our day yesterday by getting meats, vegies and salads ready last night (Christmas Eve). When Ash & Steve arrived and unpacked their gear we split into teams and played a game of Pictionary. Teams were: Ash, Steve & Chels v's Ian, Lisa & Fuzz. Team two won convincingly - WE ROCK !!!
Chels then decided to put on our Santa Suit and danced around the loungeroom - we were all in stitches, she was soooooo funny !!
I've attached some photos from last night and this morning's pressie opening and brekkie - let us know what you think.

Merry Xmas and Enjoy your day xx

1 comment:

lisafromtassie said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS York family !!!!!
Love the photos- none of Lisa again ???????
XX The Boxalls